Apr 26, 2011

WTDX-titles completed!!!

Well done to our hardworking buddies Keikewabic's Tundra Tuisku and Mtn Home's Northernmost Gem for completing the requirements for their AMCA Working Team Dog Excellent Titles!!! During our two most recent trips Titan (Sledog Mountainous Peak) came along to support his friends and accumulate miles for his own future title - a big well done also to Titan for his excellent work on the trail!

We had a fantastic Easter in the mountains, skijoring the Kebnekaise-loop during four days. We entered the mountains from Nikkaluokta via the Vistas River Valley, and passed Vistas, Nallo, Sälka, Singi and Keb during our trip, before returning to Nikkaluokta via the Laddju River Valley. Below are a few photos to sum up our journey.

The first night on the trail - camping in Vistas.

During the climb from Vistas to Nallo we passed some stunning peaks.

The magnificent Stuor Reaiddávággi in the background.

 A brief break in Nallo before heading south to Sälka. During our visit in Nallo we had rain, snow, storm winds and sunshine - all in the brief space of an hour.
 Reliable Tuisku lead the way through the mountains, as always.

Two happy snowshoe hikers from France stopped to say hello.

Gem and Titan resting at 1200m above sea level. We climbed up on a high ridge to admire the view.

 Up among the clouds.

Water break in Sälka.

 Sälka to Singi was a beautiful ride.

On our way down from the mountains, between Singi and Keb.

The sun slowly set as we left the peaks behind us.

There wasn't snow everywhere but luckily sleds can travel on bare ground too.

The ice of the Laddju River provided a smooth ride down to Nikkaluokta. In a day or two, the ice will be all gone.    

Tuisku taking a well deserved rest after completing his WTDX- title (subject to AMCA approval)
Well done all!!!

We were among the last to ski down from the mountains - most cross-country skiiers who were still at Kebnekaise Mountain Station opted for transport by mudmobile or helicopter as the snow was melting fast in the balmy weather. However, the ice on the river was still intact in most places and we had no major problems reaching Nikkaluokta in the evening. It feels great to have ended the season with this fabulous trip. We can now happily stow away sleds and skis and look forward to the adventures of spring and summer!


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